Business ( Human Resources). Chun Hau Grade 11Yellow

Human Resources ( Business)
* Leadership Perspectives / Style
* Management Organization Structure
* Recruitment & Selection Aspect
* Man Power ( Training )
* Motivational
* Corporate Culture

Important Notice: Mrs. Theresa , pleases mark only on this blog and don't mark on, this blog have the overall things .... Thanks.....

Pleases Click on extension links on the big words for viewing my Personal Opinion on six aspect of human resources. 

* Leadership Perspectives/ Style 
* Management Organization Structure 
* Recruitment & Selection Aspect
* Man Power ( Training )
* Motivational
* Corporate Culture
The following links above is for clear views of my personal Opinion only , the overall things including Theory , Personal Reflection and Personal Opinion are currently in this blog. I repeat, the new blog I generates is for Personal Opinion only! not the overall things and it is for clear view. only opinion!

Leaderships Effectiveness( Chosen Leader : Angela Merkel.) 

In the way of business perspectives to present a suitable leaderships were worthy as  Angela Merkel a greatest Deutschland chancellor as one of world most influences people in the role of women. As she have demonstrated the strong leaderships as in aspect of biodiversity , assimilation , military ,  economics, European soccer (uefa).

 Uefa champion league 2013 in Wembley 

 Financial of European union were incorporate of her contribution. She generally claims it and certainly have the authority within to do so in the way financial in Europe or Germany. Commonly in european union with the debt issues yet affect the europe as merkel trying for dispose the long range issues to eschew the entrust to European Union through constitutional convention. Yet , she led germany to rise on the economy dominance in europed as her strong leaderships. Merkel had clam down the conflict on Jewish Community in Germany recently for overtake the antisemitism as tween Germans and Jewish and defuse the struggle of Jewish in Deutsche land community.

She is pretty experts on utilization of foreign talented as recently she recruited the british youngster for apprentice for worked and serving the extreme formidable industrial in Germany for persuading the high income status for youngster. therefore she consider experts in recruited its germany organization.

Angela merkel cognizable as democratic way to presents its managing organization in germany chancellor and financial cabinet. As merkel constitute of CDU knows as Christian Democratic Union in Germany, in any case merkel as well the leader of CDU. Angela Merkel offering her country as democratic way frequently for presenting.  Merkel had won the great respect within the Germans as her way of ascendancy.


posted in 20 August 2013

Above was the briefly summary of my chosen leaders ( Angela Merkel ) contribution recently.
Based on the summary, Angela Merkel certify the strong leaderships on recruitment & selection, management organized structure and leadership style.

Theories of leaderships style /perspectives
Type of leaders
* Autocratic
* Paternalistic
* Democratic
* Laissez-faire

Authoritarian organization leadership style  
- Authoritarian leader style which the leader hold onto much power and decision making as only distributed little authority to senior manager , the lower phrased managers have no authority to speak or brainstormed.
-Little Consultation , Minimum Delegation and tremendous command range.
- Autocratic leader don't respect subordinates ideas or present , not exactly trusted.

Posted in 29 August 2013

Advantages of Authoritarian leadership organization structure
- Less conflict occur
- Less complain
- Minimize chain of command
- Decision making quickly
- Less Meetings
-Total Control
- Streamlined work process

Disadvantages of Authoritarian leadership organization structure
-Might miss the effective ideas from employees opinion
-Employee unsatisfied of leaders
- Communication error between Senior manager and leaders to cause the organization ruin down
-Fails to developed the worker's commitment to the objective of the organization
- Create problems between leader and employee
- Uneducated work force

Democratic Organization Leadership Style
- Democratic leader usually offer as freedom and authorized , democratic leader generally making decision after meetings or further discussion base on long term.
- Employee present their ideas directly to leaders, less control range. employee offer to grumble or complain to leaders directly with any unhappiness or unsatisfied  of other senior.
-Emphasis on delegation and consultation
- Most effective when used with skilled, free-thinking and experienced subordinates
- Information pass down either senior manager or other employees

Advantages/ Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership Organization Structure
-The democratic organization induces the loyalty , collaboration, confident among leader and employees
-Higher employee morale attempt
-Productivity rising , organization appropriate, employee satisfied
-Employee contribute through presenting good ideas
- Create a collaborative environment for employees between the leader

= Slow decision making
= Employees must be absolute trust from the concerning of their ideas
= Conflicts attempting
= Long chain of command , message sent off immediately slow

Paternalistic Leadership Organization Style
- A leadership style where their organization power used to control subordinates staff that expected to be loyalties or well performed as simply consider utilization of talents
- Little delegation
- Softer compared from Authoritarian leadership style
-Good motivation for employee to works
- Explain the decision making
- Low centralized organization power

Advantages of Paternalistic Leadership Organization Structure  
- Reduces overall staff turnover rate
-Feedback Invited
- Employee rewarded once their performed well
-Employee loyalty , lower turnover

Posted in 30 August 2013

Disadvantages of Paternalistic Leadership Organization Structure
-Low loyalty staff motivation connected to manager
-Increases the supervisor as of dependency on employee on leading of leaders
-Dissatisfied on the bad decision making
-Employee conspire on own interest to harm other employee such as ( to be jealous on award making of leaders)
-To plot a rebellion against companies as also jealous of award making of other employee)

Laissez Faire Leadership Organization Style
Laissez Faire leadership is likely as abdication leaders but not consider it, it mean this leader style leave alone for the employee or manager to take responsibility of the company , it also consider money worship behind the senior manager. Laissez Faire is merely known as committed to the finance and acquire the profit.
The Laissez Faire leadership known as what Steve Job just do in Apple Inc- for more information and evidence kindly access /
- Little Delegation

Advantages of Laissez Faire Leadership Organization Style
-Employee own it exemption for taking responsibility for companies organization
-Laissez Faire promote trust on employee
- Satisfactions  in Leaders

Disadvantages of Laissez Faire Leadership Organization Style
- Employee ideas or senior manager decision not be trusted
- Long decision making period due to brainstorming , delegation
- Subordinate lacked of responsibility
- In appropriate organization structure of the companies

Personal Opinion 

How my chosen leader present its leadership?

Above the article summary have demonstrated that Angela Merkel have shows it democratic leadership in the way she overcoming or handle out her responsibility on her own organization. As merkel constitute of CDU knows as Christian Democratic Union in Germany, in any case merkel as well the leader of CDU. Angela Merkel offering her country as democratic way frequently for presenting.  Merkel had won the great respect within the Germans as her way of ascendancy in a democratic organization way. 

Democratic leadership have helps Angela Merkel to contend the dominance of Germany Fiance in the role of Europe. And also Merkel are the way to forming of the strong influences women in our world today. Democratic leadership is the only way for people to comply with your organizational style and action. 

What my perspective on Leadership?
Basically what I have learned from leadership can recognizable to a overall long essay, I just briefly summary about what my personal perception and opinion regarding to Leadership. Leadership , to present a good leadership on taking responsibility on things , democratic leadership is suggested no matter in which organization your are fit in. 

In the way of democratic leaders always treated good from low subordinates or people and no grievance incidents among leaders and subordinate. Usually this promote the good relationship among peoples and also to empathize what other people thinking. Of cause , people under your organization in absolutely satisfy on whatever decision or ideas your do. 

Advantages of Democratic Leadership in Companies organization
Yet, the significance of democratic leadership reflected the loyalty , collaboration and motivational of subordinates in order persuade the high rate productivity and working organization in every department of companies to induce the well behave and good performance of subordinates with no grievance or unsatisfied. 

Most delegation ahead on democratic leaders , yet more ideas will presented during brainstorming , leaders have the opportunities to choose the appropriate and wide range ideas from subordinates instead just personal opinion. 

Democratic leader in Government institution organization / department 

A democratic leader in politician aspect worthy as Angela Merkel , she is the good example. she usually won respect and satisfy from lower organization cabinet or people , this to eschewed the following factors happen 

1. Arouse the internal disorder of the country , people dissatisfy of government institution , economy / finance recession , corrupt government and other factors to stir up the conflicts in the country
2.Reformation of new government 
Angela Merkel usually had a efficiency on taking decision or responsibility , she treat every things as important. Therefore democratic leaders usually a good suggestion for every organization

Advantages of democratic leader style in Government department
1. Finance/Economic rise up / increases 
2. Trade industry Development maintenance a good condition
3.High income status
4.Outflow of local talents
5.Beneficial in education department , fiance , economic , business , social , environment , medical , cooperative and other government departments.   

So , I have presented my personal opinion in relation to Leadership in the business perspectives. My final conclusion was Democratic is the best chosen way of leadership style in order to forge ahead of successful. 

Explanation of Autocratic and other leadership style in both Government and Companies Organization.  

Companies Organization
Authoritarian Leader often don't get respect of satisfy of people or subordinate ,  authoritarian leaders are consider selfish , overload of aggressive dominance style led people to dislike or grievance on its actions or behavior.  They don't usually share ideas , they uses money for enforcing the subordinates to worked for them. 

Consequences offered the authoritarian leaders in companies organization
1. Productivity Decreases
2. Organization / Outstanding Achievement drop
3. Non staff or Low staff condition
4. Bad perception from subordinates or staff 

Other leadership style describe as laissez faire leadership is offence known as irresponsibility leader . They don't care instead they just expected to earn money from the business , and Paternalistic leadership is likely differences from the authoritarian leaders , just it is softer from Authoritarian leaders. 

Usually , I personally believe that Paternalistic leadership have little link with the Democratic leadership style , these type of leader generally awarded the employee with good performances ONLY. Therefore , there was a possibility to the conflict among the employees. Democratic Offered the goods to the overall employee , its is merely fair for everyone. 

Authoritarian leaders in Government Institution departments 
A good example for a dictator was HITLER an extreme authoritarian leader in history , he don't usually get a good moment that he just committed suicide for his behavior or mental health issues. 
Yet , he offence take decision himself.He don't expected anyone to bother his business , Even though  no one dare to stake a claim from him. He don't get even a single respect from the world , Hatred only against him till now day. 

Leader born or made? 
Yet , this conversation was pretty popular now days , people wonder how other people work so well were they born or made to be worked ? 

My opinion was a good leaders always born to be made , they are preordained to be born and made from others lead to their personality , attitudes so leader are consider born also. But instead of born in a good aspect , made should be the other progress for them in order to pushes them for success. Made is basically a people motivation and depend on whether people giving their opportunities to be made of success. 

Good Leaders have to went through the process of born and made , without one of it , there is no way to success except for some people their are born to be a good leaders. We did not really know the significant of born and made cause we don't know what would be occur in the future , we are not the God prediction is useless for us. 

Sometimes , a person who born in the bad environment situation , but they still could be success and become a world wide leader. How they do it? just depend on how the good leaders treat success as significance values. So , made is the most important progress for successful. The person i state was Abraham Lincoln.  For more information of Lincoln early life pleases click the links -( see how he success in his life time from a son of poor family to a President of United States , as he is the good example for explaining the conversation of leader is made or born.)

Admiration of Angela Merkel and Criticized of Merkel
Base on my personal perspectives on Angela Merkel , the purposed of admiration on Merkel 
such as:
1.Democratic Leadership
2. Utilization on Talents
3. specify and explicit decision making 
4. Strong and Influences women
5. Play a large role in Germany and Europe Financial or economic
6. A good motivation for European leaders example even world
7.  Demonstrated and Certify a good aspect of human resources program ( recruitment & selection, leadership , organization structure , Motivation and Corporate Culture. 
8. Justice Distinguished on any statement or decision she revealed 
9. Respect from her people ( the main point for admire her)
10. Responsibility 
11. Operating Germany to dominance role of economics in Europe
12. Fight for prejudice and given a fair play to Jewish community in Germany  
and even more things she done for getting admiration from people , she had done what actually met the specifications of world class leaders.  I had nothing to criticize on her action , cause I could not find any fault from her action since she was the chancellor of Germany. Therefore a good & strong women leaders have worthy as Angela Merkel no matter in any aspect of ethics, social , environment or other social factor that she still demonstrated a good performance , sample and contribution , a good leader sample to followed.  

 - End of Personal Opinion of Leadership - 

Management Structure the view of Management Organized Structure in Business Organization
 A Management Structure described the different of level of responsibility and how decision is make , the structure can represent as organization chart. example in the Department of Navy organization chart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Theories of Organizational & Management Structure

The few key word for basic management organization structure
as commonly know as
- Chain of Command
- Span of Control
- Level of Responsibility
- Hierarchy
- Formal Relationship

Chain of Command
A chain of command is the hierarchy of a organization constitute a message from the top of chain to lowest organization example as the Chain of Command of school
1. Principal ----- Assistant Principal ------ Coordinator------  Head of Teacher in Department of English, Humanities,  Mandarin , Malay , Mathematics or other subject. ------- Teachers ------- Student Council or directly go to Students depend on the message.

2. Example of  a Company
 Chairman / CEO ----- Shareholders----- General Senior Manager------- Senior Managers in department of Finance , Promote , Marketing , Productivity and other. ------ Managers----- Operators-----Supervisors------ Employees

Span of Control
Span of control is the number of employees which the managers have authority to be in charged of , a wide span of control reduces expenses , but required more management skills and may reduce effective feedback. As known the number of employee that a manager can efficiently handle while improving effectiveness.
 Example wide span of control

Sources of Image

Level of Responsibility

Level of Responsibility usually refers to the position ( where the person works or his or her position in the company and the authority to in charged of which organization or department.


Hierarchy is the system of organization which people are according to its position or it authority on span of control or level of responsibility which in relation with. The most upper have the most authority to take responsibility for companies organization.

When come to modern business organization structure, there various type of organization structure
Bureaucracy Structure, Functional Structure,  Divisional Structure , Matrix Structure and even more.

Bureaucracy Structure
-These structures have a certain degree of standardization.
-When the organizations grow complex and large, bureaucratic structures are required for management.
 - These structures are quite suitable for tall organizations.

Functional Structure
- The functional Structure is set up in each portion of department is group according to its purpose
- Work well in small business
- Confidence to trust on its talents and workers on support itself
But the range of control can be restricted between department of having the various department to work separately
Example of Functional Structure


Divisional Structure
- Used for wide range of large company organization
- Work effectively in large organization
- Have its own function independently
- Group with different product areas
Divisional Structure is where the companies developed various product and the product have its own department of organization
The companies working on divisional structure organization as TrueMix- for more information-
Yet, the TrueMix companies developed the Thermomix and Ozone Fresh so the products have its own organization structure on operation base on the department of finance, marketing or more. This divisional structure only work well in the large production of products likely as the world wide production or multinational companies sales for its product.

Matrix Structure
 The Matrix Structure is the common third organization structure which the employees grouped into the teams base on their strength or occasion  on the function of the product. The functional manager and a product or divisional manager working at the same level and covering some of the same managerial territory.

Personal Opinion

How is my chosen leader ( Angela Merkel ) organization structure ?
My chosen leader Angela Merkel were in charged of Government financial institution / department , and she is the leader of Christian Democratic Union In Germany , a politician party. She should be making decision on her way for operating the wholes Germany Organization and the Europe Financial.

The Second Merkel Cabinet/ Merkel Organization Structure in Germany Government Institution

1. Chancellor - Angela Merkel / Headquarter of Government in Germany
Angela Merkel (2008).jpg
2. Vice- Chancellor- Phillip Rosler
3. Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs - Guido Westerwelle
Westerwelle hamm 2009 ankunft.jpg
4. Federal Minister of the interior - Hans-Peter Friedrich
Hans-Peter Friedrich.jpg
Federal Minister of JusticeSabine leutheusser-schnarrenberger 2.JPGSabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

Federal Minister of FinanceWSchaeuble.jpgWolfgang Schäuble
6. Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs - Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula von der Leyen 2008.jpg

Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer ProtectionIlseaigner.jpgIlse Aigner

8.Federal Minister of Deference
Thomas de Maiziere Dresden.jpgThomas de Maizière
9.Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth-Kristina Schroder

 Koehler 800.jpg
10.Federal Minister of Health
Bahr.JPGDaniel Bahr
Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban AffairsRamsauer.jpgPeter Ramsauer
12.  Federal Minister for the Environment , Nature Conversation and Safety Nuclear-Peter Almaier

Peter altmaier mdb.jpg
13. Federal Minister for Education and Research
Johanna Wanka MWK 2.jpgJohanna Wanka
Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentNiebel retouched.jpgDirk Niebel

Federal Minister for Special Tasks,
Head of the Chancellery
Pofalla2002.jpgRonald Pofalla

Sources: ' The Federal Government', " Cabinet ",
© 2013 The Press and Information Office of the Federal Government

Above was the organizational structure of my chosen leader Angela Merkel , it simply consider also a chain of command of Germany Cabinet.

Basically , if I was involve in this structure of German Cabinet , I were felt extremely satisfy the organizational structure of this cabinet cause the structure of this cabinet is consider of appropriate.
My opinion for this structure / Reason why I don't shift anything
if I were in charged of this organizational, This structure is organize clearly and each department have its own leader with taking responsibility , efficient in making decision. To ensure the overall Germany organization work in progress accurately , I should distribute more authority for those leaders in their department for easy decision making to avoid the time delayed on propose to me for opinions

Span of control , Level of responsibility , these concern were be attribute to the leaders for their personal opinion of operating in each of their department.
The potential for me of this Merkel cabinet structure is likely on the appropriate and accurate progress of efficiency working.  I personally thinks that Organizational Structure were only work efficient in Divisional Structure for the large organization uses and wide range of authority. I believe that I could make this organizational structure more better if I were known how to apply the M& O theories on this organizational structure.

To what extent does the Organizational Structure influences the Corporate Culture?
1.Communication Barrier 
* Speaking Assent 
* Communicate error / languages differences 
 In some organizational structure , maybe the employee or manager is the foreigner, so communication will be the barrier or the speaking assent could be indistinctly occur between manager and subordinates, message will be convey in error way therefore the overall organization were be turn over. 

In some way , the organization structure influences the Corporate culture. 

it is important to identify the qualities of strong organization structure and recognize personal manager skills .  Head Start staff, Policy Council members and board members will learn how organizational structure influence staff members to develop the knowledge, skills, and values needed to operate a Head Start program. This learning activity also includes techniques for shaping corporate culture by empowering others through the good management organisational structure.

What your perception on Recruitment?
1.Workforce Planning
 2.Recruitment Selection                                                            
- Job Description
-Job Analysis
-Job Specification
-Advertise the vacancy
3.Wages and Salaries
4.Industrial Relation

Five major significance facts of Recruitment.

Workforce Planning( For Company)
Before the Recruitment vacancy , workforce planning as the first step to brainstorming what exactly need to recruit to our companies in the present time and future. The organization supposing to formulate the workforce planning before the recruitment. This is to ensure there not mistaken decision have make in the recruitment of employees.

posted 31 August 2013 by Chun Hau 

Recruitment Selection ( For employees)
Basically , Recruitment selection is all about Job description , Job Analysis , Job specification and others for the employee needs for attempting the chosen jobs.
Job description - The responsibility, working condition , working analysis , the duties and the position of associated with the given job which consider job description , therefore employees have to rethinks whether they were suitable for given job then they apply for it , this is the general information of every employee should thinks about it before apply.  Simply apply will only cause bad consequences of wasting time management.
For the company , the company organization should make a delegation on the people who applying of given job , it that possible to recruit them , does them really appropriate and qualified enough to this job there in relation to Job Specification , companies usually list down the qualification of job adverbs while the adverbs are publishing in news paper or social network.  If the employee met the qualification , immediately they can adopt an opportunities to interview to the companies as next step for recruitment.

Job specification- A statement of qualification or the fact that the employee will met the requirement of given job and continued for next phrased( interview).

Basically the job specification have included this following activity
* Interview, if the primary phrased was success
* reviewing of personal qualification /self evaluation ( Primary)
* Analyzing the working duties whether this given job is suitable ( Primary)
* Researching for the salaries condition as to compared to other companies( Primary)
* Working Location( Primary)
* The organization of companies and its condition ( Primary)

This is the following point that the employee have to concern on the job specification in order to successful adopt by the given job. 

Job analysis can be defined as the determination of the essential characteristics of a job in order to produce a job specification. A job specification is a written statement of the essential characteristics of a job including necessary qualifications, duties , responsibilities and the degree of authority of the job holder/ supervisor.

The purposed which a job analysis is required can be following
* To establish training and development programmed
* To establish Criteria for selection or given job/ performance
*Remuneration purposes
* Organizational Restructuring purposes

The job analysis will included following activity
* Researching on the differences companies have the same given job of their comparative on
Remuneration , wages , salaries or other attract
* Analyse of the work duties where the employee have the qualification enough to suitable on the given job and its condition

For the short definition of Job Analysis ( for employees)
The job analysis is the process of getting information base on working skills, companies remuneration , job specification and the position or working condition and the environment of that given job.To gather or obtain more data of job analysis is possible to determine and formulate the given job.

Advertise the Vacancy
where to advertise? where is the most appropriate places to advertise? what is the best way to advertise
Type of common places to advertise ( Free)
* Bus station board
* Public Toilet or wall
* Electric Pole
Although it was free and gave the publicity enough for the people to view , but people isn't so concentrate on Bus station board.
Barrier of effect
* people wont concentrate on the board
* modern people only concentrating on their mobile phone no matter where they been
* Indistinctly board( too much of advertisement mix up it seen messy)
* People wont staring that long times on bus station
It seen like bus station isn't the best places for advertisement as same as the Public toilet and electric pole as well they have the same barrier of effect.

* News paper , Social Network (Job ) ( Cost Fees on publishing ) note: Job street is Free publishing but other websites is cost money.
Yet , it cost much especially publish the advertisement in TV  , so news paper or social network is the best way for advertise for vacancy cause the people who intended to find the job were attend for these, they usually found out in news paper for the adverbs or job street . The advantages on publishing in job street is people can view the job in detail way , they can view its salaries , remuneration condition and other information of the Job. But news paper wont able to view the job analysis progress , the vacancy should be contact with the job holder for more information , this cost phone moneys.

I consider Social Network is the best way or best methods for publishing or advertise for vacancy and its free to advertise. But for the traditional method for advertise for vacancy , news paper is the way for promoting.

Personal Opinion

How to own an appropriate interview? Things to do before interview to get the good process of INTERVIEW

Interview is the common term that uses to pronounce since long times ago. Let me brief you how to own an appropriate interview? you should prepared?
Before Interview
* Go to Rest room before interview to have an inspection on your appearance
Spray the perfumes to your shirt or pan
Spray the Favor to your mouth
Tidy out your hair and shirt appropriately
Have a cleanest and tidiness appearance
* Prepared the appropriate information with wide range even the unrelated information as much as possible for urgency uses cause much job holder will asking you various of question which unrelated to topic.
* Train your communication skills before interview
Recording your self in the video for the Mock interviewing
Evaluate what was wrong and correct it to prevent any mistaken or issues occur on the interview

In the process of interviewing
* Agree whatever your job holder said
* act innocently
* To show the satisfactions and happiness on your faces no matter how nasty your job holder
* Do whatever things he called you to do
* To endorse with his decision
* To praise him as possible
* Discuss more about his interest
* Answer his question immediately as fast as possible to makes him feel you were not a slow witted
* Demonstrate your action not just a theoretical discussion that is worse than useless in practice proof it you can do it( use your action to proof )
* Long term objective or thinking
* No immature thinking allowed
* All opinion should be logical and achievable
* Brainstorming on what you want to do , don't just do whatever you thinks
*Good attitudes and discipline
* Respect to the Job holder no matter he was childish or what

so this was how to get an appropriate interview and obtained a good appearance and perception on your job holder , gave him a good impression on your first meeting , the most good impression , the most opportunities to adopt you. your should show your effectiveness and efficiency during the interviewing on the aspect on communication ( most significance)

let it just watch some videos about how to improve your interview skills and  answer the common questions in interview and how to maintenance a good and appropriate interview.

1.Job Interview Skills - Questions and Answers

2. Job Interview Questions and Tips for a Successful Interview

Wages and Salaries, Industrial Relation
Employees always unsatisfying on salaries or other staff , as to enhance the industrial relation between leader and subordinates, a leader should be have a democratic style as i specify above , democratic way is the best way to enhance the relationship among employees and boss. A leader should be fair enough and awarded the employee as always. so to resolve the grievances, the boss should always have the clear delegation with staff within the salaries , remuneration and all the incidents which related to the behavior of staff.

Posted 7 September 2013 by Chun Hau / Republished in 13 September 2013 by Chun Hau

Personal Opinion- How my chosen leader recruit the talents she needs? 

Merkel is pretty experts on utilization of foreign talented as recently she recruited the british youngster for apprentice for worked and serving the extreme formidable industrial in Germany for persuading the high income status for youngster. therefore she consider experts in recruited its germany organization.
-Click the above paragraph to view the full article-

Above statement show how Merkel recommend  on talents from overseas to her country for the industrial development  The forecast of this is to prevent the outflow of local talents links to the issues.  Angela Merkel usually had the efficient skills on operating her own government organization or other things that relate to the beneficial of her country. 

Angela Merkel have revealed the possibility crisis on recruited the British youngster for worked for Germany Industrial development , 

she offered the lure and study for British youngster usually consider talents for Free in Germany, therefore the successor training project for Merkel implement on Oversea talents for a back up process of outflow of local talents in industrial development of Germany.  She is probably consider a Strong and influences leader on going to make such decision on recruit of Oversea youngster( Future Talents) . The purpose she chosen British might be the linking to English languages. 

My Perception about Recruitment.

Recruitment , a process everyone should went through in their professional career. 

Recruitment usually brought us fear , timid or other. But, the only success was we never 

give up no matter how hard was the situation .  Recruitment often show fairness or

 difficulties on us , just depend on what type of leaders or supervisor you have met in your

recruitment selection. Yet, the most tough  process of recruitment , the more experiences

 you gained and able to demonstrate a good response during a recruitment with your

 supervisor.  you have to cherish every job opportunities , cause it just only once never a
second chance whatever so hard to you , you just have to tried in order to trusted yourself.

Recruitment , a lifetime challenges . 

What I learn of Recruitment and Personal Experience of Recruitment process IN Business Studies Class

Firstly , I have the experiences on recruitment which I focusing on Interviewing and Job Adverts. Our Business Studies just organized a mock activity for Job Recruitment occupation of assisting in our future career challenges. 

Usually , I have refer to news paper for job adverts , as my personal interest was Accounting and Finance , therefore I looking for this as my Job adverts.

This is the example of Job Adverts , in order to move on next phrased ( Contact to Supervisor) , we have to first detect for the job specification for qualification. 

After the meeting time approval for I and supervisor , we start to move against the phrased of Interview ( the most hardest phrased for recruitment )

Personally , I have just list out the things we should done before Interview in the above. ( Pleases Refer to that) and I have also promote some videos about Job Interview Tips. 

Personal Engagement on Recruitment
Why am I chosen Accountant Manager as my first recruitment training in Business Studies lesson?

1. Personal Interest 
2. Personal Engagement on the Topic
3. Career Opportunities . Factor ( Salaries , Remuneration and relation)

There was no reason that could define why I chosen and expected to serves as Accountant Manager , it is my anticipation since I was young. 

- End of Recruitment Stage - 

 Training (MAN Power) 

Theories of Man Power

Why needs Training?
1. Improve efficiency
2. Decreases Supervision needed
3. Improve the opportunity for internal promotion
4. Decreases the chance of accidents
5. Employees feel valued
6. Well-Trained workforce are generally more successful
7. Employee in efficiently how to adapt to changing circumstances

Types of Training 

* Induction Training
- Introducing a new employee to their business
- Lasts one to several days

* On The Job Training
- Employees are trained by watching professional do a job
-Suitable for unskilled jobs
- Cuts Travel cost
- Trainer productiveness is decreased because on the way of demonstrated things to people
- Employees training inside the job range

* Off The Job Training
- Often know as Post Graduate studies on Master/ PHD training for jobs
- Usually Classroom Training
- Employee still work on part time job 

Work Force Planning
A Business will need to forecast the type and number of employees needed in the future ( Work Force Planning ) early in the Recruitment & Selection phrased. 

The Forecast can be done by following factors
- Skills of current employees
-Provide a recruitment plan
- Retrain for new job / communicate to staff


Personal Opinion on Training ( Man Power ) 

Differences between Training and Development

Training is any learning activity targeted towards the  specific knowledge or skills for carrying out a job or task. The learning is applied in a similar situation to that in which it is learned.Development is a general  expansion of skills and knowledge, and is aimed at long-term career growth rather than immediate performance The transfer of learning is non-specific as it involves learning general skills rather than how to perform  tasks, and the setting in which the learning takes place is often quite different from the setting in which is applied. 

What Training Opportunities are there at my chosen leaders( Angela Merkel ) Co.? 

Angela Merkel have revealed recently of Recruit British apprentices of British Youngster , as the statement shows that Merkel offer a long term study and lure for British Youngster in working for formidable industrial in Germany.  Obviously , Merkel in contrive a implement on Training programmed ahead on youngster. Linking to the training opportunities at the Angela Merkel that claim clause recently to British Youngster Training Project. 

How do they do their training under Merkel organisations plan?
Angela Merkel encouraged the youngster talents to do the off the job training first which studies on the local industrial development for scholarship support and continues their on the job training on the industrial if they were a professional levels for operating the industrial development in Germany. 

Merkel usually motivated the youngster on soft skills training on self management , responsibility , learn to influences or motivated , serve client people appropriately in order to successful in professional levels on operating on the industrial development in Germany. So , The soft skills training consider a basic and essential training for every works. 

"Train Your Attitudes First before you started to Do anything" quote from me

- End of Training ( Man Power ) -

Posted in 14 September 2013 by Chun Hau / Blog updated ( extension links and pages ) in 17 September 2013 by Chun Hau (

Blog updated ( Organizational structure , Leadership and Training ) re-post in 20 September 2013

Motivational / Personal Opinion

Motivational play a significance role in company or any organization for an example :
Workers/ Subordinates who are not motivated tend to :
* High rates of absenteeism
* Arrive Late
* Produce poor quality products/ services
* Be more careless
* Not stay long - high staff turn over
* Low productivity
* Slow react to request from manager

Workers who are motivated tend to:
* Be enthusiastic and offer ideas
* Work Hard- Increasing productivity
* Arrive early and take few days off
* Better customer services
* Loyalty

Typical Motivational Method between Employees and Manager
1. Democratic Leadership
2. Manager had a efficient persuading skills on employee to work harder
3. Manager offer a good wages & relation to employee to make them satisfy

How do a motivated organization lead to success?
* No grievances between Employee and Manager therefore reflected the loyalty and hardworking status on employees it self
* High productivity , good sales and even other ideas brainstorming
Employees who are motivated generally work harder for their company and leading them to success in the market.

Hardworking Employees Reward ( Aspect of Wages & Salary , Relation )
Hardworking Employees usually get two aspect of awarded with Financial Rewards and Non Financial Rewards.
Financial Rewards such as Profit Share , Performance or piece rate base salary which mean employees were been paid extra salaries from manager base on personal performance or get the profit share from good sales attempt.
Non Financial Rewards such as Job Enlargement , Job Enrichment , Job Rotation , Fringe Benefits or Empowerment.
This mean hardworking employees were awarded with personal company car for sales convenient and also getting to job enlargement and job enrichment mean to increases to the higher position and high salaries and also offered to thought more skills in that specify job given.  Job Rotation mean hardworking employees offer the opportunity to changes their position base on their personal interested on the differences position in that organization and have to approved by the manager. Usually Motivated Employees are consider hardworking employees.

Motivators usually lead to satisfaction and work harder for her/his organization
* Achievement
* Responsibility
will be attempt for the motivated employees

Non-Motivated lead to dissatisfaction will make the employee work in an indolent way
* Company Policy
* Supervision
* Relationship
* Work Condition

Supervision: Employees been supervised by supervisor and employees who dint get motivate will not taking responsibility for jobs or treat it like a joke. and the work condition were be extremely bad therefore non motivated employees usually leave easily without any contemplation and form a high staff turn over condition. ( is not good for the organization)

Additional Opinion of Hierarchy of Needs & Management Roles

Hierarchy of Needs

1. Actualization / Self Fulfillment
2.Esteem Needs - Achievement , status , responsibility
3.Social Needs- family , teammates , staff , relationship
4. Safety Needs- protection , security , laws
5. Basic Needs- foods , transportation , shelter , air

In order for achieving the five major needs , we are required to be motivated. Mostly motivated person or workers have the possibility to achieving those five living factors of personally needs , so Motivation really ahead a significance role in our society today instead on the range of Business.

Management Roles
* Interpersonal
* Informational
* Decisional

Interpersonal Motivation
Relating your personal communicate skills to motivate the employees to work harder or persuading the high status productivity or sales on the relationship motivation on employees. A democratic leader always uses this.

Informational Motivation
Taking Personal Responsibility to motivate employees to work harder , a good sample to shows employees and usually manage employees to work on its position , a naturally style.

Decisional Motivation
Making Choice or Decision to gratify the employees ideas or perception , a democratic style presentation , offer the employees to give some ideas on freedom conversation. Decision making wisely to achieve the success.

The roles of management to motivate employees incorporated of three major roles i stated above( Decisional Motivation, Informational Motivation and Informational Motivation)

Leader ( Angela Merkel ) reflected / linking to Motivational / Personal Opinion

How do my chosen ( Angela Merkel ) her subordinate / lower phrase organization ?

The new Merkel' on how to solve Europe's youth unemployment problems
Click above links for viewing full article

Yet , above statement led us for wondering how the statement relate to the motivational of my chosen leader ( Angela Merkel ). As Merkel recently revealed the issues on Europe's youth unemployment problems therefore this statement have evoke her lower organisations consider a motivation on how to solve Europe's youth unemployment problems. She usually motivated her lower surbodinates

Ursula von der Leyen to determine the solution of solving her issues revealed recently. Therefore she motivated Ursula Von Der Leyen to achieve the successful solution on how to solve the following issues.  A informational motivation method Merkel had demonstrated.  Merkel sample of strong influences women consideration to arouse the potential of Ursula von der leyen on becoming a Strong women too therefore this motivate her to done something special. 

Would Merkel informational motivation methods motivate other instead of Ursula Von der leyen?

Exactly yes, especially me I get some influences on my mind on how a leaders convinced a true motivated methods  for motivate someone , therefore I expected to be like Merkel in the future cause she have motivate me for evoking my potential for become Future Male Merkel, as she motivated my dream.

Regular Team Building in Merkel Cabinet...

Regular Team Building in Merkel Cabinet , Angela Merkel usually offered their lower organization to communicate and example of play conferences every weeks or months . The brainstorming process have help Merkel lower organization to trust each other and the collaborative skills. The team building is significance in order to build confidents between employees or subordinates. The Regular team building advantages in Merkel Cabinet"
1. Communicate Effectiveness
2. Meeting Efficiency
3.Improved Collaboration skills
4. Implicit Recognition on Working
5. Satisfaction on demand other staff

- Important of Regular Team Building -

How can they get even more out of their employee?
In any organization no matter was politic or companies institution , motivation play a large roles on getting even more out of their employee or subordinates, you do to follow the following rules of get even more out of your employees? just my personal opinion

1. Comparing Each Employee and Understanding their differences.
You first have to determine the attitudes and personality between employees , and the most important was whether they used to determined to achieve something and their hardworking attitudes.

2. Manage the expectation
You had to manage the list of expectation which you expected to achieve for each of employees. Compare whether which employees could be achieve the essential list on time.

3. Provide the Challenging Environment / A Tough Objective
You uses to mean how you manage a tough and challenging objective for them and they have to meet the challenging threaten between employees , this enforce them to achieve something for reward.

4. Reward your hardworking employees
Usually , you had to reward the hardworking employees so in order for satisfy them. Reward such as Non financial and Financial category.( view above for Non Financial and Financial Awards)

5. Resulting for manage the weakness and strongest
Ultimately , you had an opportunities to determine the weakness and strongest now , so you have to kept the strongest employees now and don't mind on fire the weakness employees cause they just useless for you in your companies organization.

- 5 rules of getting most out of employees or subordinates in any organization ( politics or business) -

 Typical Motivated Employees to get even more out ..
Mostly related to Informational Motivation
* Competitors Better than them
* They don't satisfy their opponent
* They don't get better award than their opponent
The employees can do even more if they had met the typical problems above I listed

My personal motivation opinion in the Work Place.

 What Motivate me? As I states the leaders who demonstrated the informational motivation method could be motivate me to success, it is a good sample to followed. Motivation could not only recognition as pushes , should be also born as example , something would inspire me to do something usually consider naturally motivation base on mental health".

Personal Motivation
Personal Motivation a important roles for success , it still useless if more motivation you obtained from others and you don't even get your own motivation.

Personal Motivation known as:
* Personal Confidents
* Personal Perspective on our self
* Don't Give up easily
* Expectation on more tough objective

Don't Give up no matter how hard are the situation , cherish the only Opportunities ..............
quote of personal Motivation" Believe yourself"

- End of Motivational -

Posted in 21 September 2013 by Chun Hau ( 12:11p.m.)

Corporate Culture / Personal Opinion

The beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company subordinates and management interact and handle outside business Situation and develops organically over time from the cumulative traits of the people the company vacancy. A company's culture will be reflected in its dress code, business hours, office setup, employee benefits, turnover, vacancy decisions, treatment of clients, client satisfaction and every other aspect of operations.

Five Factors for describe Corporate Culture
1. Corporate Environment
2. Corporate Values
3. Corporate Heroes
4. Corporate Ritual
5. Corporate Connection

Corporate Environment
Corporate Environment is the organization which developed the multinational or world wide condition of and differences methods of serving public base on which cultural they are suit on. Often known as different cultural organisations , the corporate environment is also refer to how the organization fits into other cultural. A certainly connection behavior of external communication to link to social consider Corporate Environment.
1. Mc Donald - Multinational Organization /World Wide Companies
2. Apple Inc - Multinational Organization/ World Wide Companies
3. Nike & Adidas - Multinational Organization / World Wide Companies

Corporate Values
The operating philosophies or principles that guide an organization's internal organization  as well as 
its relationship with its customers,management, shareholders or stakeholder and even more. Core values are generally summarized in the statement or in the company’s statement of core values.

Corporate Heroes 

Corporate Heroes describe the major instigator or significance roles for a person or a group
which the core values for a organisations and demonstrated a good aspiration sample for subordinates or 
staff to followed.  A pretty significance roles play in the companies organizations consider the figure of 
Corporate Heroes. It could be the stakeholders , shareholder or manager or even subordinates. 

Example for Apple Inc- Steve Job is the corporate heroes of its organizations

Corporate Ritual 
Corporate Ritual is an essential process for presenting or structuring a good organisations between manager and subordinates or employees and employees to raise their relationship on work harder or trusted each other and no exactly the grievances happen between them.  A companies usually organised some award ceremonies or other delegation on to improved the relationship for employees also consider a type of motivation on confident on employees on approaching other employees. Through the corporate ritual , employees could be perceived to senses the significant values of Corporate Culture. 

Corporate Connection 

Corporate Connection is the person in the organisations have the strong authority often a leader or manager who lead the organisations to success, he purpose is to infect the certain meaning of Corporate Culture to people under the organization of influences their mind set to focus the concept of corporate culture. 

Corporate Culture is exactly play a large role in a business organization. 

What is the Culture at my chosen leader ( Angela Merkel ) organization? How can she developed it?
Angela Merkel usually offered the international culture in my chosen leader political organization. Angela Merkel usually had to play conferences on European countries even the world cause she is a chancellor , therefore her under organisation which is member of second Merkel cabinet are responsibility to follow the five factors of Corporate culture in order for success in the statement she plans to done in any business or things. 

Merkel usually in charge of the Germany international trade , so she had to know the condition of other countries for further research therefore it consider Corporate Environment. Merkel usually demonstrated the informational motivation consider a MOTIVATION CULTURE in her organization , as many evidence reports that Merkel have ability on motivated people on doing things for achieving good result at end , so she developed his culture so well. 
By developing her personal culture style in her organization , she shows the strong influences and motivation culture for leading to successful, she should motivate more people in her organisation to leads the Germany a success in the world wide situation. 

What is Great and Bad of my chosen leader Angela Merkel Culture ( Motivation Culture ) of Corporate theories?
Merkel usually offered the motivation culture at his own organisation , for a aspect of good , this lead to success and things might achieve with appropriate and accurate way. for the aspect of negative factor , the person who dont get motivation from merkel , they wont work even well , to drag the bad consequences at the end. 

Is the Corporate Culture Vital to the success of the company?
Absolutely , the Corporate Culture play a significance roles in present the efficiency of the company. For most the Multinational or World wide company with large organizations , they shouldn't lacked of Corporate Culture interfere of their local company organisation , Corporate culture as leading to those five major factor of highly relevant to international business, so a multicultural companies is essential or necessary to have a Corporate Culture Institution on its.   

 Corporation Culture Companies - MC. Donald 
MC.Donald is a restaurants that founded in California , United States in May 15 , 1940 . A gradually changes of McDonald transformed to the world wide and Multinational companies and also a world leading Fast Food restaurants in the world nowadays. 

Corporate Culture Differences  in MC.DONALD/ Corporate Environment
Let make a comparative against McDonald Thailand and McDonald Malaysia of the theory of Corporate Environment

What is the similar things on the different regional offices in Thai and Malaysia?
In McDonald Thailand , the chili sauce often known as Oranges color and the style of fried chicken is differences compared to Malaysia , McDonald in Malaysia often uses the Red Color Chili Sauce. Thai McDonald uses the Ketchup sauce rather than Tomato sauce more sweeter therefore Malaysia had absolutely differences from Thai on the quality of food , appearance of food and the taste of foods. 

Let make a comparative against McDonald United States ( head offices ) and McDonald Malaysia 
* The Taste and the quality of chicken
* The sauce applied is different on Ketchup or Tomato
* The different appearance of Chicken

* The Same Menu 
* Incorporated French Fries , Nugget and Chicken the three essential foods 
* Same Logo using in different regional offices

Above statement demonstrated how the corporate cultures of a organisation affect the appearance or internal conduct changes in different region as also related to the five factors of corporate culture , they have to make somethings to fit the countries or cultural which met the Corporate Environment. 

Accommodating For Local Stuff/ A little connection to Recruitment & Selection 
I have formulated data on how they accommodating for local stuff in differences regional offices , let compare against Malaysia and United States. 

In United States/ Job Specifications for McDonald
* Known how to Speak English ( I guess everyone in United States know how to speak )
* No Age Restriction ( but mostly 17 years old - 40 years old)

In Malaysia / Job Specifications for McDonald
* Known Malay( but not all people knows Malay) so know more languages as possible such as Mandarin or Tamil cause Malaysia have three major races
* No Age Restriction ( but mostly 30 years old - 39 years old )
* More Vacancy for Malay, Less Chinese employees 

This the differences between how the McDonald organisation accommodating their local stuff and the job specifications differences from other regional offices as I specify it should be fit to the cultural. 

- End of Corporate Culture - 

Posted in 23 September 2013 by Chun Hau

Reflection on  Human Resources to Relate Social Awareness / Personal Mature and Develop our Perspectives 

Enquiry Question: How do we apply Human Resources to our future uses ?

Throughout the studies of the human resources topics , I acquire the basic theories and knowledgeable of Human Resources base on the six aspects. ( Leadership , Organization Sources , Recruitment & Selection , Motivational and Corporate Culture) , Recruitment afford me an opportunity to experience the interview and vacancy for job for me to approaches on society and its reality values. Leadership helps me to demonstrated my personal engagement and awareness of typical leadership style and pursue me to imitate my chosen leader style. ( democratic ). Motivational let me on witnessed how the strong force of motivational ability could move people from lowest phase to achieved the glory. I believe the force of Motivation for applied for many organisations ( political , business). I acknowledged the Corporate culture is pretty important and that was essential to perceived the significant values of Corporate culture on how a business work in foreign country such as Multinational or world wide country. On becoming the future strong influences & efficiency people such as Steve Job , we supposed to recognized the overall of Human Resources theory with strong detail sustainable in order to build a successful and world wide organisations.  For our future, I strongly trust that we could apply the human resources to our future uses. 

Posted in September 24 , 2013 by Chun Hau 


'EnglishLessons4U'  , Job Interview Skills - Questions and Answers , ' Human Resources Department' , July 29, 2011., September 6, 2013

'Virginia Western' , Mock Job Interview Questions and Tips for a successful interview, September 25 , 2009,, September 6 , 2013 

'Jeevan Vasagar' , 'The new Merkel' on how to solve Europe's youth unemployment problems, Munich Germany , June 30 2013., September 20 , 2013

'Ruth Sunderland' , Germany to recruit British apprentices: Work-and-study offer to lure brightest youngster, Sunderland United Kingdom , June 3 , 2013. August 19 , 2013

'DineshBakshi' , Training Mind Map,  February 18, 2009. September 5, 2013

'DineshBakshi' , Types of training and its objective, Training(ManPower), 2002 . September 5 , 2013

'Alexis Writing , Demand Media' , Different Types of Organizational Structure, 2013. September 12, 2013.
'Metro' , Champion league final 2013- Borussia  Dortmund v Bayern Munich, May 26 2013., 19 August 2013

'Jim Riley' , Organisation- Span of Control , updated' September 23, 2013 September 5, 2013

'Non Specify , Anonymous ' , What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Paternalistic Leadership Style? , ,September 5 , 2013

'The Independent' This week's big questions: Can Angela Merkel save the European Union? Should Turkey be allowed to join? , August 23 , 2013.  August 20 , 2013

'Jeevan Vasagar' , Angela Merkel's advice for Europe's unemployed: move, June 14 2013. .,  September 20, 2013

'The Federal Government' , Cabinet , 2013. Berline , Germany . 

'MindTools', Deal and Kennedy's Cultural Model. 1996-2013, September 23 , 2013

'Smart Talk' What is Corporate Culture? , 2011. September 22, 2013 

- End of Bibliography / Work Cited - 


Posted in 23 September 2013 by Chun Hau

- End of the Blog - by Chun Hau . Grade 10yellow . Fairview International School Penang. Business Studies- 

Thank for Reading! Hopes you learned something from my Blog! 

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